Supporting Our Local Farmers


In the age of technology and the ongoing quest for convenience, fewer things are better than having food delivered right to your door. For Courtney, Founder & CEO of The Produce Box, her goal was to bring that same concept to delivering local vegetables and fruit to the community. Along the way they’ve grown to include other specialty items like meats, cheeses, and even honey. Launching her venture ten years ago, she has helped build a company that sources produce from over 70 farmers across North Carolina.

More than 12,000 families have received an order from The Produce Box thanks to the service of almost 250 deliverers and neighborhood coordinators. Not only that, but as a result of continued success The Produce Box has donated approximately 1,000 boxes worth of fresh veggies and fruits to local heroes like firemen, policemen, and kids in need throughout the community. Their 2017 season began this month and they’ve already received close to 6,000 orders; almost half of their customer base! Incredible!

I’ve been using their services for over a year now and have loved every produce box they’ve sent me. I took a few pictures of the last order and included them below.

When you get your produce box, it should also have a weekly newsletter inside. These are handy because they provide information on your produce such as where to store it and the best time to eat it. They also include recipes in case you’re looking to try something new, or don’t really know how to prepare an ingredient. I scanned this week’s newsletter and included it below.

You can find The Produce Box on social media:


Follow The Produce Box on Pinterest!

Personally, I think their Pinterest account is amazing because you can view boards by ingredient, and they even list recipes which you can use for your own cooking. How cool is that? If you’d like to join in on supporting North Carolina’s local farms with the added perk of fresh produce delivered to your home or place of business, then I encourage you to check them out today!

Follow this link to the new member sign-up page.

-Mitchell S.

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